Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sara Sara: Improvised Theater Dec. 27th

For creation to be born and live,
there must be a big exchange of love.

Artists fight and unfold. Is it love or madness?
Is this room a jail or ruins?
And, who is this person living inside?

3 actors
2 musicians
1 visual artist

It's the same anywhere in the world.

open=17:00 start=17:30

チケット取扱・お問い合わせ ゲキダンキオ
TEL 06-6621-1555

会場=大阪市立芸術創造館 大練習室

破運陀王常 Pandaotoko
益荒猛男 Takeo Masura
大咲せり花 Serika Osaki

〈live music performance〉
中立公平 Kohey Nakadachi(guitar)
ジェリー・ゴードン Jerry Gordon(sax)

作・演出 script&director 中立公平 Kohey Nakadachi
舞台美術 set design ヤン・ベッカー Yann Becker
音響 sound 宇佐香々緒 Kakao Usa
照明 lighting 伏屋知加 Chika Fuseya
映像 video 如是我紋 Gamon Nyoze
衣装 costume 真珠白子 Shirako Shinju
道具 stage setting ここのえこねこ Koneko Kokonoe